Plasmage is a non-invasive skin treatment designed to effectively address various skin concerns and revitalize the skin using plasma energy. Plasmage delivers plasma energy to the tissue by the ionization of gas in the air. It is ideal for treating fine lines, wrinkles, skin tone and texture, xanthelasma, skin tags and other aesthetic protocols such as the upper and lower eyes (noninvasive Blepharoplasty). Plasmage is the ideal device for treating areas that are often difficult to treat by other modalities. It allows patients to be treated quickly with the advantage of having less down time than surgery. Come learn more about all the benefits Plasmage can offer you at your personalized consultation with Dr. Philip L. Leggett.
AGNES RF is a dynamic Radio Frequency (RF) microneedling device, used in both dermatological procedures and aesthetic treatments across the world.
Developed by physicians for physicians, AGNES RF provides targeted treatment options unlike any other device.
AGNES RF was carefully developed over two decades by Dr. Gun Young Ahn, with the intention of being used as a permanent solution to acne. After succesfully developing the device, Dr. Ahn discovered that AGNES RF had a variety of aesthetic applications.
Since then, AGNES RF has been adopted by aesthetic practitioners across the world for a variety of treatments.
Built on a foundation of safety and found to be incredibly versatile, AGNES RF will become a cornerstone of your aesthetic practice.
AGNES RF utilizes Radio Frequency (RF) energy for tissue coagulation and electrothermolysis. Micro-insulated needles penetrate the skin at specific points, distributing radiofrequency energy at precise temperatures to generate a tissue response without damaging the epidermis.
Microneedling with Agnes RF is simple and effective.
Agnes Selling Benefits Highlights
- Fractional Multi-Needling Device - targeted RF concentrated to a single needle of varying depth (depth used depends on treatment goal)
- Single, protective micro-insulated needle
- Precise treatment targeting
- Safe, shoulders provide stopping point once precise depth has been reached
- Treats acne by reducing size of sebaceous gland “selective sebaceous gland destruction” without epidermal damage
- Alternative to topical agents, oral medications, chemical peels, laser and PDT
- Treats blackheads
- Treats Syringoma and benign skin tumors
- Non-surgical treatment of Syringoma (skin colored or yellowish firm rounded bumps, can occur around eyes face neck chest and genitalia)Keeps surrounding skin safe by reaching accurate depth from skin surface to target
- Treats periorbital and perioral wrinkles (eye and mouth wrinkles)
- Treats eye bags (infraorbital fat herniation)
- Non-Surgical Approach for eye bags using a needle depth for skin tightening and a needle for fat melting/contouring
- Reduces wrinkles, minimal downtime, repeatable, natural looking
- Treats double chin and sculpts lower face
- Corrects over injected fat correction
- Treats scars